O čem, že to mluvíme? Nikdy jste o IASC neslyšeli a nevíte, o co jde?
IASC – International Asatru Summer Camp je mezinárodní setkání Asatru z celého světa. Je to vlastně týdenní párty doprovázená přednáškami a společnými rituály, které se účastí 100+ praktikujících Asatru z celého světa.
Organizátorem je Asatru.eu. Tato událost se opakuje každé tři roky, a to pokaždé v jiné zemi Evropy. Poslední proběhla v roce 2018 v Německém Geroldsteinu a nyní se plánuje další na rok 2021 a měla by proběhnout v blízkém Polsku. Nenechte ovšem mýlit názvem „summer camp“, v roce 2018 byl průměný věk účástníků 53 let.
Polsko je v současnosti známo mimo jiné i díky negativnímu postoji k LGBTQ+ komunitě. Z tohoto důvodu byla uspořádána veřejná diskuze s LGBTQ příznivci Asatru Polska, kteří budou odpovídat na otázky těch z Vás, kteří by se kvůli své sexuální orientaci mohli bát přijet do Polska na IA Summer camp. Cílem této diskuze bz mělo být rozhodnutí, zda IASC 2021 proběhne v Polsku, nebo zda se bude hledat náhradní řešení.
Níže uveřejněná pozvánka je v angličtině a stejně tak celá diskuze bude probíhat v angličtině.
Pokud zvažujete svoji účast na IASC 2021 a je pro vás otazka LGBTQ zajímavá, připojte se k nám podle návodu v pozvánce.
ZOOM meeting on LGBTQ+ issues IASC 2021 We invite heathens from Europe and beyond, especially those from the LGBTQ+ community to participate in an open hearing on July 3rd, 2020. What will this hearing be about? In summer 2019 our friends of Asatru Polska proposed to have IASC 2021 – the International Asatru Summer Camp – at a suitable site in Poland. After looking into the issue, many people in the Asatru EU network so far found a pretty long list of “Pros” to support the idea. But, of course, there is a big “Contra”, as well. Poland is actually not very famous for its tolerance towards LGBTQ+ persons. There have been recent reports on towns and communes declaring themselves as “LGBT-free zones”. Of course this is illegal, even in Poland. Along with that there have been reports of discrimination, harassment and even physical violence towards LGBTQ+ people. We asked some friends on a private level about their views on the situation in Poland, but got a wide range of answers starting at “I don’t care/I’m not afraid” and ending at “They won’t get a single penny from me/I’ll never go there”. On the other hand we have to consider that basically any media-based report will be more or less tainted with some agenda. That is the reason for us to continue in a transparent process of checking things out. In this hearing on the ZOOM platform we will have some LGBTQ+ members of Asatru Polska, who live in Poland and have had gatherings at the exact site we are thinking about. We will also have some other people from other countries, members of the inclusive pagan/heathen community, that have also been there in recent years. These people will hopefully be able to answer your and our questions regarding the safety of LGBTQ+ persons in Poland. We encourage you to be with us in this hearing. If you’re interested, please send an email to zoom.200703@asatru-summercamp.org. The hearing will be on July 3rd, 2020, starting at 8 pm CEST/MESZ. Link and access codes for ZOOM will be sent out 24 hours before start. Your email addresses will only be used for sending out the ZOOM links, will not be used or stored for any other purposes and will be deleted directly after sending out these emails on July 2nd. Asatru EU network really wants to hear your voices and opinions on the matter. A decision about IASC 2021 being held in Poland will be made following this hearing and we will respect your voices and opinions. Hail!